FIDALGO’S NERVCURE TABLETS Neuro Care A NATURAL NEURO STIMULATOR An Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine Fidalgo’s Nervcure Tablet is a natural remedy available to help in brain node rejuvenation with the help of best natural preparation of trustable extracts that are closely filtered as well as assembled inside a Quality system. Indications: It helps to provide relief from stress-related disorders that affect the central nervous system. Beneficial in spondylitis, slip disk, paralysis. Reduces tension in muscles, neck, waist pain, nerving disorders. Reduces muscle cramps & improves reflexes. Fights the effects of ageing and lowers Inflammation. Dosage: One tablet twice a day Or as directed by the physician. Key Features: • It helps maximise the body’s ability to resist stress • It helps in revitalizing nerves and brain cells • It strengthens the immune system Presentation: Fidalgo’s Nervcure Tablet is available in ALU ALU pack of 10×10 tablets. Storage: Store in a cool, dark and dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight.